syntax parsing

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈpɑːzɪŋ] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈpɑːrsɪŋ]

网络  语法分析; 语法剖析; 句法分析



  1. The UI provides syntax highlighting, content assist, and syntax parsing.
  2. You'll start by learning how to use its syntax parsing abilities.
  3. Let's start by seeing how PHPeclipse provides you with real-time syntax parsing abilities to assist you with debugging PHP applications.
  4. This syntax alleviates any parsing requirements and facilitates direct access to the data.
  5. The identification of this phrase has great value for NLPS such as syntax parsing, machine translation.
  6. Research on method of syntax parsing based on statistical approach;
  7. A brief demonstration was made of the framework core analysis advocated by Professor HUANG Bo rong and four related questions were analyzed: Is the syntax parsing for computer suitable to man?
  8. Syntax parsing is not a kind of symbol inference, but a kind of entity inference.
  9. According as modular idea, NC program interpreter that interprets RS274/ NGC is divided into scanning module, lexical analysis module, syntax parsing module and executing module.
  10. Decision theory method, syntax parsing method and knowledge-based pattern recognition approaches form a hierarchy, and they are complementary and in coorperation with each other. They have their features separately and get applications in various fields.
  11. With the use of oriented-object technology and design pattern idea, it implements the class structure of lexical analysis, data structure, symbol table and syntax parsing.
  12. This paper presents the semantic vector space model, a text representation and searching technique based on heuristic syntax parsing and distributed representation of semantic case structures.
  13. Building and implementation of a syntax parsing method for Contemporary Chinese
  14. Syntax Parsing of Contemporary Chinese Based on Hidden Markov Model
  15. In the first layer, the syntax parsing method is used to make the simple classification;
  16. A study on Web static testing is in process. Some Web static testing technologies have been discussed. HTML syntax parsing and link checking of Web is analyzed.
  17. On the basis of exploring, a transaction managing module and a syntax parsing module are designed to be used to solve the key problems ( transaction managing and syntax parsing) in the SIP applications.
  18. The kernel work of this article can be generalized to three aspects as follows: ( 1) Comparisons and synthesis are drawn from some existed algorithms and models about the syntax parsing.
  19. Study of Chinese Shallow Syntax Parsing Based On Rules and Statistics
  20. To realize complete syntax parsing of contemporary Chinese, a new method has been built based on the 70,000-characters corpus from Chinese textbooks of primary school. It is the method that join together of Hidden Markov Model and the hierarchical syntax parsing method.
  21. The key of question-answering system is question parsing. This paper applies shallow sentence parsing theory and adopts the method of question semantic chunk to analyze question in order to decrease the complexity of full syntax parsing.
  22. For the code checking problem, we put the source file into lexical analysis and syntax parsing by using lex and yacc tools.
  23. The syntax parsing of extending XML-RL
  24. Syntax parsing is the primary basis of deep natural language processing such as semantic analysis and is an indispensable part for many natural language processing application systems.
  25. In order to automatically generate logic representation of text, this paper builds a logic representation transformation system based on the results of syntax parsing.
  26. Since a complete syntax parsing tree contains too much noise, it should be pruned to improve the PPI extraction performance.
  27. According to lexical parsing, the symbols and words of algorithm are identified. Then the interpreter judges the composition of statement and its legitimacy by syntax parsing.
  28. Syntax parsing is the process of generating the syntax tree.
  29. Firstly, the lexical parsing and syntax parsing are analyzed by lines in detail.
  30. There are two methods for syntax parsing, one is dependency based and the other is phrase based.